Is a Running Coach Worth it?


The big question from alot of people “Is a Running Coach Worth It?”

When it comes to running, there’s a lot of information out there.

But if you’re looking for a coach, how do you know what kind to get?

Do you need more structure than a training program can provide?

Do you need help following your program?

Are they certified?

And most importantly: what do they expect out of their clients? It’s all about finding the right fit for you and your goals.

How much do they cost?

The cost of a running coach can vary widely. For example, some coaches charge a monthly fee which means you have to pay them every month to continue working with them. Others charge a one-time fee and then you’re done. Some coaches offer both options; we recommend choosing the one that’s right for your budget and personal goals.

The cost of hiring a personal running coach will depend on the coach, their program, and your specific needs. Generally speaking:

  • A good rule of thumb is that if it seems too good to be true (like a $5/month deal), it probably is!
  • The best way to gauge whether or not a price tag seems reasonable would be by comparing it with similar services in other industries (for example: yoga classes). If you’re struggling to find anything comparable online then consider reaching out directly via email before making any commitments so that both parties know exactly what they’re getting into upfront before signing anything official!

Do you need more structure than a training program can provide?

Running coaches can provide the structure and motivation that a training program cannot. Running coaches have the benefit of being able to provide individualized strength training, nutrition and conditioning programs tailored to your needs, as well as help you set goals and stay motivated.

For example, if you are looking for help with injury prevention or recovery from an injury. You may want a coach who has experience in physical therapy or sports medicine. A coach can also help with mental toughness skills such as visualization and goal setting or even just simply keeping your spirits up when it feels like there’s no light at the end of the tunnel!

Do you need more help following your program?

  • As you get more serious about running, it can be hard to stay on track with your training. A coach can help with that.
  • If you have questions about how to do something, a coach will be able to advise you on the best way to go about it.
  • A coach can help keep your motivation up when things get tough.

Do you want more accountability?

If you’re looking for someone to hold you accountable, a running coach can be a great choice. If you have trouble sticking with your training or need someone to help set goals and keep track of your progress, a running coach will make sure that happens.

If you’re in the middle of a long-term training plan and have hit a plateau, it’s easy to get discouraged and lose motivation. A running coach can provide some perspective that may help bring things back into focus again—and maybe even give some advice on how to get back on track.

Of course, there are some people who prefer not having any external influences when it comes to their exercise routine—but if accountability is important to you, this might be worth considering!

Are they certified?

  • Are they certified?

Certified coaches have a minimum level of knowledge and experience, so you can expect them to offer better results than unlicensed coaches. However, it’s important to note that not all certifications are created equal. There are many different organizations that certify coaches, and some of them require less training than others. So if you’re considering hiring a certified coach, make sure your choice has been thoroughly vetted by someone who knows what they’re doing (like me).

  • Is their price fair?

The cost of coaching varies widely depending on the coach’s qualifications and experience level; however, there is no such thing as an affordable or inexpensive running coach—for better or worse! The good news is that even if you hire a less experienced coach for your needs (which could result in poor results), at least their hourly rate will be lower than someone who has more years under his belt… right?

What do they expect out of their clients?

In order to get the most out of your coach, it’s important for you to have a certain commitment level. You need to be honest about your goals, and also be willing to be open with them. Your coach will expect you ask questions if something isn’t clear or if you don’t understand something, but they also expect that you are willing to change and adapt when they give feedback on what they see in your training.

What is your communication style?

You might want to find out if they communicate in the way that you prefer.

Do they respond to emails, texts, or phone calls?

How often do they communicate with you?

Do they communicate via social media (i.e., Facebook)?

What is their fee for communicating with customers?

Do they have a busy schedule and are you okay with your running coach being unavailable some of the time (for example, when traveling)?

Running coaches are great to have if you can afford the right one for you.

A running coach can help you if you’re struggling with training, or if you just want to be held accountable for your goals. They can also be helpful if you’ve plateaued and need some guidance on how to break through that wall.

But there are also some disadvantages to having a personal running coach:

  • If money is tight, this could be an expensive addition—especially if they’re not being paid enough by their clients. Running coaches should charge between $5-$10 per mile of training time (which is roughly equivalent to what distance coaches charge). The cost will vary based on the person’s experience level and certifications.
  • You might not need as much structure in your life as someone who wants more accountability


If you’re looking for someone to help guide you through your running and motivate you, then a personal coach can be a great option. You should consider how much time and money you want to spend on this relationship, as well as what type of coach would best fit your personality and needs. These professionals are there to provide support during tough times and keep track of your progress throughout training sessions—whether it’s at the gym or outdoors!

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